10% off Labor Day Sale

Arisaema triphyllum- Jack-in-the-Pulpit


Jack-in-the-Pulpit is an incomparable addition to any moist shade garden, with a unique floral structure comprised of an erect green spadix protected by an oftentimes striped or spotted spathe, together thought to resemble a preacher in a pulpit. The flowers emerge early in the spring and generate their own heat, which helps attract small flies and beetles for pollination. The flowers mature into clusters of bright red berries that are a food source for birds. Individual plants can change sex from year to year. When happy, it will self-seed and spread rhizomatically to create a colony. The plant has toxic components and is both deer and rabbit-resistant.

Sun: Partial, Shade

Soil: Medium-Wet, Medium, Medium-Dry

Bloom Time: April, May, June, July

Color: Green

Height: 2 ft

