As gardeners who specialize in supporting ecosystem enrichment and wildlife, we have conflicted feelings about some of our backyard herbivores. Low numbers of apex predators in urban areas have led to high populations of rabbits, deer, and other animals that eat our garden plants.
The rabbit that we generally see in the Chicago area is the Eastern Cottontail (Syvilagus floridanus). Population numbers fluctuate from year to year and vary quite a bit by specific location. They usually spend their lives within a 20-acre area. Rabbits have sharp incisors that leave a clean cut on flower heads, buds or small stems and branches at a 45-degree angle. In the winter, they may also gnaw on the smooth, tender bark of young tree and shrub stems close to the ground.
Clean cuts on an angle indicate rabbit damage
Winter damage on Staghorn Sumac shoots
Rabbits have a short gestation period and up to six young in a litter, so one female cottontail rabbit might have 20–25 young between spring and fall. Trapping and removal are only permitted in Illinois with an animal removal permit from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and removal is not a viable control method since neighboring rabbits will move into your yard if it is habitable. A combination of grass, garden plants and shrubs is a rabbit’s preferred habitat.
Telltale rabbit droppings in the snow
So how can we live with our rabbits, and still have a diverse planting that will offer food and shelter to a range of other wildlife?
Rabbit resistant plants: Choose plants that are not preferred by rabbits. Of course, if a rabbit is hungry enough it will eat just about anything, and we have found that rabbits have individual taste preferences, just like people do. But there are some plants that generally are less favored by them, such as plants in the onion family (Nodding Wild Onion, Wild Garlic, Wild Leek) and milkweeds, which secrete a toxic sap when cut.
Written by Betsy Seff
University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener Manual Edition 2A